Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Course Response 10

Design 200 was a pretty informative class. The lectures could be a little dry, it seemed like a lot of reading from slides, but other than that I really enjoyed some of the movies we watched and the projects we worked on. All of the journals and course responses on top of class reading every week got a little tedious, but not having any exams was awesome.  I think the projects really did help me get thinking about design. I would recomend the class to someone else.

Journal 10

http://efdsgnw11.blogspot.com/2011/03/journal-09.html J09
http://efdsgnw11.blogspot.com/2011/02/journal-08-coleman-project-personal.html J08

Our team designed a portable washer/dryer for college students to use in thier dorms and apartments.  We all added to the presentation, working as a group to create an awesome product.  I think our product alligns well with Colemans standards.  The work load was split up evenly, everyone helped brainstorm, then we all individually worked on certain parts. I personally designed the store front for the kiosk.  All in all our team worked really well together. I think our presentation was successful and realistic.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Journal 09

Our group effort on A05 has been super successful.  Everyone on the team has put in some great work.  We divided the work load among the six of us into groups dealing with marketing the product, drawing and designing, and creating our presentation. We met up at the SEL outside of class to piece together a cohesive presentation with all of our seperate components. The portable dorm washer dryer seems like a real possibility for a Coleman product. We are excited to present!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Reading Response 08

Basically what I got from the last few chapters of Heskett was that design is crazy universal, context seems to be a word that acknowledges EVERYTHING. Design permeates all fields.  Although it's nearly impossible to define, human design and creation inhabits nearly every aspect of the tangible world in which we live. I think Heskett talks in circles a lot, trying to reiterate this point.  Since designs definition is so ellusive, it's even harder trying to fit it into the constraints of a business model.  Creativity is competitive enough as it is. Competition and technological advances will forever evolve the definition of design.

Journal 08: Coleman Project- Personal Documentation


The group progress of the Coleman Project has been great. We were hesitant to solidify an idea right away but got positive feedback on the dorm washing machine concept. Everyone has been helpful in bouncing ideas around, we are still in the preliminary brainstorming stages but now that we have decided on a direction I'm confident that we will make steady progress on the remainder of the project. Personally I have acted out in a majority of the brainstorming of the group.  As of now we don't have sketches to add, but hopefully in the coming week we will produce some good solid frame work.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Journal 07

5 manufacturers or retailers who specialize in outdoor camping and recreation products

5 manufacturers or retailers who specialize in indoor home goods products

 Having the qualities that are desirable or distinguishing in a particular thing situated in, or intended for use in the interior of a building.


Reading Response 07

After the reading from Cradle to Cradle this week I decided to look further into nutrient flow.  Since the survival of the modern metropolis relies in such nutrient flows I figured it was important to understand. I found this humorous, yet informative video to help explain the cycle...

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AXWDbAYb-5c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>