50 Interesting Things: A Walk in my Neighborhood
1.) The asphalt is littered with pot holes.
2.) The street is always lined with cars
3.) These cars just happened to be covered with a sheet of ice
4.) Someone is attempting to get into their ice cube of a car using a rag and hot water to melt the lock.
5.) A majority of the cars are white, silver, or black, with an occassional blue or red.
6.) There is a pretty good mix of types of cars. They range from compact cars to SUV's.
7.) There is a couple standing near a car. They are the victims of a hit and run it appears.
8.) Their car has a huge dent in the left rear, and there is debri all over the road. They even moved a large chunk of their bumper to the sidewalk.
9.) Everyone uses bumper stickers to express themselves. Self expression in a sticker or license plate cover, even though most of them just remark on the Buckeyes.
10.) Cars lined up behind peoples houses are like a moving maze.
11.) Everytime I am walking in the world as a pedestrian I think of the psychological difference between pedestrian and driver. When you're not behind the wheel of the car it's like us against them.
12.) Most people walk to campus who live in my neighborhood.
13.) I'm pretty sure that I passes Neo from The Matrix when I walked by starbucks.
14.) It's interesting to see someone dressed so uniquely in a sea of Ugg Boots and Northface jackets.
15.) The sidewalk is like an iceskating rink.
16.) A majority of people are walking in the street.
17.) When everyone was encounters a common obstacle like the ice storm everyone bands together. People who would normally just pass by actually offer up words of encouragement or at least make an attempt at humor about the situation.
18.) It's literally impossible to walk on the sidewalk.
19.) I'm suprised I haven't seen anyone fall yet.
20.) None of the ice I have encountered is a clean slab, it's all a rocky mess, and extremely bumpy.
21.) People have started making pathways through yards.
22.) Even the grass below the foot paths is frozen with ice
23.) Everything that looks safe is not safe to walk on.
24.) The ice is literally elevated the level of the road. Cars are parked on a block of ice, while the driving area is lower than the rest.
25.) It amazes me how many people don't wear gloves.
26.) It also amazes me how many peolple don't have the propper foot wear for this weather.
27.) The trees are phenominal. All of their branches are covered with ice. Each individual twig is encases in its own frozen cocoon.
28). There's nothing in or on the trees that is visible, all life is frozen up there.
29.) The branches are weighted down so low in some spots they almost touch the ground.
30.) An unlucky car parked on the street became the victim of a falling branch.
31.) It's still raining to the point I have to carry an umbrella.
32.) The water on the street is rushing with speed that keeps it from freezing.
33.) The temperature must be resting right around 33 degrees.
34.) I dont think the sun was shining at all today.
35.) There are footprints frozen everywhere you walk.
36.) The alleys are dead, no one is daring enough to skate down them.
37.) The trashcans are dripping sewage into the streets.
38.) Some of the trashcans have huge ice cicles of their own hanging off the sides.
39.) Someones bike was left outside and the spokes of the tires are covered in ice. I don't think they are going to be able to get anywhere tomorrow.
40.) The traffic is suprisingly heavy for the current weather conditions.
41.) I have so far seen 40 Northface jackets.
42.) No one has had the same color scarf on.
43.) Most girls are wearing some sort of boot, while guys usually have on some sort of sneaker.
44.) Why do some guys refuse to wear a coat?
45.) The sky is the same boring grey it's been for months.
46.) Most cars are actually shiny and clean looking from the rain.
47.) The wind has stopped blowing for the time being.
48.) Umbrellas never keep your back from getting wet.
49.) There's a trampled McDonalds bag in the street.
50.) Everything is moving at a snails pace.
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