Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Course Response 02

Coversations with Paul Rand: Paul is very concerned with formal elements of art and design. He emphasizes the idea that form and content must work together to produce an effective product. This idea is somewhat of a challenge, since these two concepts are averse to one another. Manipulating form and content as it relates to shape is the equation to creating "good" art.  Aesthetics also play a role in the success of a design, but function trumps aesthetics, things have to be useful. He seems to subscribe to the idea that form follows function. He doesn't recognize a distinction between graphic design and fine art, "It's all art, or it could be".  Everyone has a different definition of art and design that don't correspond. You have to define it for yourself.

- Theres always a way to improve on an idea and possibilities are endless. 
-Process is a very important in the creative development.
- Art has many definitions, genre doesnt matter as long as its found its perfect form, formal problems are all the same.
- Art is a biproduct if you're lucky. 
-Form and content work together, one cannot exist without the other.
- Art is realized when form and content are in synthesis. It is problematic bringing two antagonistic elements together successfully.
-Form has its own language and it has nothing to do with style.
-Aesthetics helps find truth about objects
-You have to have the ability to self generate ideas.
-Everyone has a different definition of design.

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